Sol: Beyond Earth Development Log #5 – The Setting

Hey there, space enthusiasts! Welcome to another edition of the Sol: Beyond Earth development log, where we bring you the latest updates from our expansive solar system. Today, we’re diving into the captivating setting of our RPG, filled with incredible achievements, major powers, cutting-edge technology, and breathtaking celestial bodies. So, buckle up and get ready for an exhilarating journey through the stars!


Let’s start with a quick trip down memory lane. Our story begins in the year 2090, where humanity has achieved widespread colonization and interplanetary travel. But how did we get there? Well, it all started back in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, marking the birth of the Space Age. From there, landmark events unfolded, including Yuri Gagarin’s orbit of Earth in 1961 and the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. And then the Point of Divergence from out main timeline: the ’70s witnessed the first successful Mars landing and plans for lunar colonization, while the ’80s and ’90s saw the emergence of orbital habitats and ambitious space colony projects. Fast forward to the 2030s, and significant advancements in propulsion systems revolutionized interplanetary travel, paving the way for widespread colonization and exploration. And here we are in 2090, embarking on our space-faring adventures!

Major Powers

In our solar system, several major powers have risen to prominence, each contributing their unique strengths to the exploration and colonization efforts. Let’s meet them:

  • European Federation: With a focus on scientific progress and sustainable development, the European Federation boasts a strong presence in lunar and Martian colonization.

  • North American Block: Comprising the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the North American Block is known for its advanced technology and pioneering spirit.

  • African Union: Collaborating to capitalize on the solar system’s resources, the African Union focuses on sustainable development and resource management.

  • Arabian Coalition: The Arabian Coalition leads in terraforming efforts on Mars and harnesses space-based solar power.

  • Indian Republic: Driven by scientific expertise and ambition, the Indian Republic has established a strong presence on Luna and engages in resource extraction.

  • Commonwealth of Independent States: Stemming from the former Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States pursues scientific research and technological advancements in orbital habitats.

  • People’s Republic of China: China emphasizes scientific research and commercial interests, with a significant presence on Luna, Mars, and the asteroid belt.

  • Pacific Alliance: The Pacific Alliance prioritizes space tourism and commerce, investing in advanced spaceports and orbital infrastructure.


Now, let’s talk about the innovative corporations that drive progress and innovation in the solar system:

  • Kyushucorp: This Japanese corporation specializes in robotics and artificial intelligence, providing cutting-edge technology for space missions.

  • Pizarro Incorporated: A multinational mining corporation, Pizarro Inc. extracts valuable resources from asteroids, moons, and planets.

  • Kozosoft: Kozosoft develops advanced AI systems, virtual reality interfaces, and simulation software for space missions, offering realistic training and immersive experiences.

  • AVQ: AVQ manufactures a wide range of spacecraft, including interplanetary vessels, lunar shuttles, and orbital habitats, known for their reliable and retrofuturistic designs.

  • Earth Global: This environmental organization is dedicated to preserving and restoring Earth’s ecosystems while advocating for responsible practices in space colonization.

Planets and Other Celestial Bodies

Our solar system is teeming with fascinating celestial bodies. Here’s a sneak peek:

  • Earth: The capital of the United Nations of Earth, Earth remains the hub of political and economic power, hosting orbital stations and research platforms.

  • Luna: The Moon has transformed into a major space hub with lunar bases, scientific research, resource extraction, and space tourism.

  • Mars: Terraformed for human habitation, Mars is home to thriving cities, industrial complexes, and advanced agriculture.

  • Venus: Despite its inhospitable surface, floating cities in Venus’ upper atmosphere conduct research on its atmosphere using advanced technology.

  • Belt: The asteroid belt is a resource-rich region where mining colonies and outposts extract valuable minerals and resources.

  • Outer Planets: The moons of Jupiter and Saturn host research stations, mining colonies, and outposts, exploring habitable environments.


In Sol: Beyond Earth, technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, enabling the grand achievements of humanity. Here are some key technological advancements:

  • Advanced Propulsion Systems: Fusion rockets, ion drives, and even antimatter propulsion systems allow faster interplanetary travel.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: AI systems and robots are integrated into spacecraft, research stations, and infrastructure to enhance automation and scientific research.

  • Space-Based Energy Generation: Solar panels, energy storage systems, and even space-based solar power satellites provide sustainable energy.

  • Advanced Materials Science: Lightweight yet robust materials protect against the harsh conditions of space and radiation.

  • Life Support Systems: Efficient closed-loop systems manage air, water, and waste, while advanced agriculture ensures sustainable food production.

  • Virtual Reality and Holographic Interfaces: Immersive technologies enhance astronaut training, visualization, and communication.

  • Advanced Spacecraft Design: Streamlined, retrofuturistic spacecraft designs combine aesthetics from the ’60s and ’70s with modern engineering.

  • Interplanetary Spaceflight: Faster travel, precise navigation, and gravity assists make interplanetary travel routine, though it still takes time.

  • Space Mining: Robotic systems and automated equipment extract valuable resources from asteroids, moons, and planetary surfaces.

Space Habitats

Space habitats are central to our colonization efforts, providing living space for large populations.

Inspired by Gerard O’Neill’s vision, these habitats simulate gravity and offer self-sustaining communities with their own ecosystems and life support systems. Here are a few types you’ll encounter:

  • O’Neill Cylinder: Enormous cylindrical habitats rotating to simulate gravity, accommodating up to one million people.

  • Bernal Sphere: Hollow spheres rotating to simulate gravity, supporting populations of up to 10,000 people.

  • Stanford Torus: Donut-shaped habitats rotating to simulate gravity, with a capacity for up to 10,000 people.

  • Island Three: Large spherical habitats with attached smaller spheres, housing up to 10,000 people.

Located at Lagrange Points, these habitats have become vibrant centers of life, fostering research, tourism, and commerce.

Orbital Lift

Space transportation infrastructure plays a vital role in the Sol space economy. Orbital lift systems like space elevators and mass drivers are key components. Space elevators are immense structures connecting the surface of a planet or moon to geostationary orbit, facilitating efficient and cost-effective transportation of people and cargo. Mass drivers, on the other hand, use electromagnetic propulsion to launch payloads from planetary surfaces or space to other destinations. These systems revolutionize transportation, enhancing the efficiency of the space economy.

The Terralunar Space Economy

Now, let’s delve into the heart of the thriving space economy. Low orbit factories, space habitats at Lagrange Points, mining stations on Luna and in the Belt, and mass driver cannons intertwine to drive economic growth and development. Low orbit factories use advanced technologies to process raw materials into usable products. Space habitats offer research, tourism, and commerce opportunities. Mining stations extract resources for fueling the space economy, and mass driver cannons revolutionize payload transportation. Together, they create a dynamic synergy that fosters innovation, job creation, and international cooperation.


The solar system of Sol: Beyond Earth is a remarkable and vibrant tapestry of human achievement. Governments, corporations, and individuals collaborate to explore and colonize celestial bodies, while cutting-edge technology enables incredible advancements. As we venture into the depths of space, we must also manage the challenges that arise, ensuring fair practices, sustainability, and responsible governance. The space economy is a catalyst for continued exploration and development, propelling us toward a future where the potential of the solar system is harnessed for the benefit of all.

That’s it for today’s newsletter! We hope you enjoyed this journey through the setting of Sol: Beyond Earth. Stay tuned for more updates, and remember: the stars are waiting for you!

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